

30 ottobre 2009

Access to Language and Cognitive Development

Conferenza internazionale realizzata dalla Facoltà di Psicologia dell'Università degli Studi di Trieste.
Aula Magna del Conservatorio: 9.30-12.30 - 14.00-17.00.


Friday, 30 October 2009 –Aula Magna, Conservatorio Tartini

Early language input and cognitive development (9.30am-12.30pm)

9.30 Virginia Slaughter & Candida C. Peterson (University of Queensland) – Conversational input and theory of mind

10.10 Elizabeth Meins (University of Durham) – Mothers and mind-reading:Mind-mindedness and young children

10.50 coffee

11.10 Michelle Chouinard (University of California, Merced) – Questions in children

11.50 Gil Diesendruck (Bar-Ilan University) – Children's assumption about the conventionality of language

12.30 lunch

Language access, communication and cognition (2pm – 4 pm)

2.00 Kang Lee (University of Toronto) and Heather Fritzley (Sheridan College, Toronto) – Biases in young children

2.40 Mako Okanda, Jing Zhu, & Shoji Itakura (Kyoto University) – Culture,language and children

3.20 Brian Butterworth (University College London) – Development of spatial strategies for numerical tasks: Evidence from indigenous Australia


th Kanizsa Lecture (Annual event sponsored by the Department of Psychology, University of Trieste), Museo Revoltella, via Diaz 27, Trieste

4.30 Prof. Jan J. Koenderink (Delft University of Technology) – The mind into space(

Saturday, 31 October 2009 - Aula Magna, Conservatorio Tartini

Cognitive development and access to more than one language (9.30am - 12.30pm)

9.30 Stephanie M. Carlson (University of Minnesota) – Bilingualism and executive function

10.10 Terry Kit-fong Au (University of Hong Kong) – Overhearing a second language and cognitive development

10.50 coffee

11.10 Ágnes Melinda Kovács (Hungarian Academy of Sciences & Central European University, Budapest) – Bilingualism and theory of mind

11.50 Michael Siegal (University of Trieste & University of Sheffield), Maria A.Tallandini, Corinna Michelin, & Sandra Pellizzoni (University of Trieste) – Effects of bilingualism on cognitive development: Evidence from studies of conversational understanding and moral cognition

12.30 lunch

Cognitive development in children with atypical access to language (2pm – 4 pm)

2.00 Luca Surian & Alessandra Geraci (University of Trento, Roverto Campus) – Word learning and social cognition in children with autism

2.40 Annika Dahlgren Sandberg & SvenOlof Dahlgren (University of Gothenburg) – Access to language in children with cerebral palsy: Consequences for cognitive development

3.20 Marek Meristo, Erland Hjelmquist (University of Gothenburg) & Gary Morgan(City University London & DCAL University College London) Gary Morgan (City University, London), Marek Maristo & Erland Hjelmquist (University of Gothenburg) –The impact of access to language on deaf children cognitive development

4.00 conference finish