
27 gennaio 2014

Europe Scholarship Würzburg

The University of Würzburg, with the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg and the University of Music Würzburg are offering Europe Scholarships to students of European Union countries.

With the aim of fostering the European idea of student exchange, the University of Würzburg, together with the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, and the University of Music Würzburg are offering Europe Scholarships to students of European Union countries.
In the 2014/2015 Winter Semester, 12 Europe Scholarships in the sum of7,000 EUR each, will be awarded to students who study abroad for two semesters - depending on the subject and scholarship - at either the University of Würzburg, the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, or the University of Music Würzburg.
One of the above mentioned scholarships will be awarded to a student in the field of MUSIC. Please also read President Dr. Clausen's letter (see enclosure) and inform your students about this unique opportunity. 
Detailed announcement on our homepage: